Satori in the lavatory...
Last night, I was taking care of an expensive piss, when I saw my shadow on the wall in front of me. Physics came along and made the split between the umbra and the antumbra. For a non-point source of light, the umbra happens to be the darkest part of the shadow, while the antumbra is the region from which the occulting body appears entirely contained within the disc of the light source. Whatever that means.
It looked like a second skin of electricity and at that instant from my room, DJ Shadow started spinning, What does your Soul look Like? (Part IV)
Last night, I was taking care of an expensive piss, when I saw my shadow on the wall in front of me. Physics came along and made the split between the umbra and the antumbra. For a non-point source of light, the umbra happens to be the darkest part of the shadow, while the antumbra is the region from which the occulting body appears entirely contained within the disc of the light source. Whatever that means.
It looked like a second skin of electricity and at that instant from my room, DJ Shadow started spinning, What does your Soul look Like? (Part IV)