Synaesthetic Monk's Blues

Phantasmagoria, magic lantern shows, spectacles without substance. They achieved complete sensory experiences through noise, incense, lightening, water. There may be a time when we'll attend Weather Theaters to recall the sensation of rain.

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Location: Ithaca, New York, United States

The main thing a musician would like to do, is to give a picture to the listener of the many wonderful things he knows of and senses in the universe... I'm using the insides of sounds to move around in a very subtle way which, I think, ends up being inevitable. I feel it's the only solution to that particular problem that I presented myself.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Dark Prince

He swayed gently, sitting on the humming wires,
Elegance understated - his keen eyes watch all, as the shadows grow tall…
(the setting sun spills innocent virgin blood over the horizon)
The luscious flowers in my garden bower hold no sway o’er him
(their fragrance is too sweet)
His eyes have seen birth of new life, and have smiled for each one that died,
and have watched the falling cherry blossoms… at the height of spring.
Don’t look into his pretty eyes,
(swim into those black waters, drowning in his big pretty eyes)
Vile creatures - they feast on carrion flesh and rotting corpses


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