Synaesthetic Monk's Blues

Phantasmagoria, magic lantern shows, spectacles without substance. They achieved complete sensory experiences through noise, incense, lightening, water. There may be a time when we'll attend Weather Theaters to recall the sensation of rain.

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Location: Ithaca, New York, United States

The main thing a musician would like to do, is to give a picture to the listener of the many wonderful things he knows of and senses in the universe... I'm using the insides of sounds to move around in a very subtle way which, I think, ends up being inevitable. I feel it's the only solution to that particular problem that I presented myself.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Eternal Autumn

Reddish leaves swirl in the wind like lost souls in search of rest. Like an open sketchbook focused on my dreams, this land is forever pictured as a comforting Autumn dusk. Replete with a golden sky, with crackling river water & bubbling marshes that dot the land, it feels like a Romantic artist's canvas...

... but further down the path, it is as if the shadows are swallowing the surroundings whole, without a penchant of logic or drop of meaning. It is as if, the only reason for this lies in darkness itself. Like royalty that rules the black void, entombed in the night infinite - it is she, the Eternal Mistress of Shadows.

Some connections are made to be discovered, while others remain unseen. Some lands are best never spoken, as their hell lies in between...


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